
Join the Team

Something’s going on at nevalux! 

We are a well-estab­lished team that enjoys being out and about with one another, is enthu­si­astic about lighting solu­tions and is moti­vated to support customers. If that’s exactly how you think, you might soon be part of our team. There isn’t much that speaks against working for us. Actually nothing. There is no specific job adver­tised here at the moment. But talents who are enthu­si­astic about light are always welcome for a non-binding discussion.

How to get to our location:

nevalux Uster

nevalux Nyon

Get in contact with me to build on the future!

I am Roger Morf. It is best if we speak personally.

I look forward to your call!

044 508 78 78 Contact us